Wheel pose

It is also known as Full Wheel Pose, Upward Bow Pose, back bridge and Chakrasana in Sanskrit. 
Targets: Backbend, chest opener
Level: Intermediate

Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) is a backbend that is characterized as a beginner's backbend, but it still requires building up strength and flexibility to achieve it. It opens the chest, shoulders, and hips in a way that counteracts the typical modern-day sitting posture. Backbends are usually done near the end of a yoga practice. After performing Wheel Pose, it is common to do a mild twist or forward bend.

This pose improves spinal mobility and opens the chest. It strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs. Wheel Pose is traditionally said to be energizing and can lift your mood. As it opens your hips, shoulders, and chest it works in opposition to the slouched and sitting postures that are common in modern life.

Safety and Precautions
You should not do Wheel Pose if you have had an injury or chronic problem with your knees, wrists, shoulders, neck, or back. Don't force your body into the pose before it is flexible enough to do so without straining. Bend back only as far as you can naturally. With continued practice, you will gradually build your flexibility to achieve the pose. It is always advisable to not do such poses without proper guidance. 
To join our refreshing yoga sessions, WhatsApp/Call us at :

Intermittent fasting

Learn proper way of intermittent fasting by Sadhguru. 

Food without oil

Learn how to create satvic food without oil. 


Day 21 : Manifest your attention

Day 21/21

One last meditation to go! Even if you've missed a few days, it doesn't matter! Let's all come together today on International Peace Day and meditate with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. 

Here's the link to meditate: 

When you are in an expanded and relaxed state of consciousness, you are in tune with Nature. In such a state, if there is a desire, it does not remain yours alone, it becomes Nature's intention and eventually manifests. Gurudev here guides you to such a state where you can manifest your intentions.

Day 20 : Color of consciousness

Day 20/21

Link to today's meditation: 

Healthy emotions are essential for a fulfilling life and emotions are nothing but different flavours of our life force energy. Gurudev shares the key to healthy emotions and what lies beyond the space of feelings.

We're just 2 days away from completing the challenge! Congratulations on keeping at it, and we hope you've found that these meditations have enriched your life. 

Day 19 : Only you

Day 19/21

Link to today's meditation: 

Nature loves diversity but also uniqueness. While billions of people have been born on the planet through history, there has never been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. So long as you compare yourself with others, you are not at rest. Here, Gurudev makes us aware of the unique relationship we share with Nature and Divinity, so that we can relax and just be!

Tune in within! 

Day 18 : Timelessness

Day 18/21

Today's meditation link: 

As we engage in various activities, to varying degrees we are aware of what is happening and what we are doing. How is this awareness that we hold while doing something different from the awareness in meditation? In this session, Gurudev gently guides us to be aware of the present moment and then some more.

Tune in within. 

Day 17 : 5 elements & 5 senses

Day 17/21

Mahalaya Amavasya is an auspicious day to meditate and express gratitude to our ancestors who are responsible for the life we enjoy today! 

Link to join today's meditation: 

We know that the world is made up of 5 Elements. Here, Gurudev explains how they are connected with our 5 senses and gently guides us to a state of transcendence that lies beyond the elements and the senses.

Day 16 : Improve sleep quality

Day 16/21

Enjoy a great night's sleep with today's meditation: 

Gurudev teaches a simple humming technique that is helpful for sleep disorders. The relaxing meditation that follows enables you to move from the limited sphere of feeling and emotions to a higher dimension.

Tune in within yourself. 

Day 15 : Are you feeling restless

Day 15/21

Link to today's meditation: 

Very often, the restlessness in the body does not allow us to sit still for meditation and we are not able to go deep. This meditation has a simple technique to get rid of restlessness so that you are able to settle down.

Remember to tune in your true being. 

Day 14 : What about thoughts

Day 14/21

We're nearly there! Only one more week to go. 
Link to today's meditation: 

Trying to still the mind through any kind of effort is like catching air in your fist. By knowing the nature of the mind, you realize the key to finding a space of stillness.

Day 13 : Effort to effortless

Day 13/21

Link to today's meditation: 

When we meditate today, let's keep in mind the Golden Rule of Meditation: Do Nothing! Meditation doesn't require any effort. It's all about relaxation. Today we'll experience that. 

Even if you've missed a couple of days, it's fine! Never too late to catch up.

Day 12 : A new life

Day 12/21

Link to today's meditation: 

Today we learn about the secret power of attention and how to make use of it to increase our energy levels⚡

Day 11 : Pillar of energy

Day 11/21

Today's meditation link: 

Thank you for sharing all of your experiences with us! While it's helped some of us cope with PTSD, anxiety, depression, for some others this challenge has been helping with everyday challenges, exam fears, motherhood, work, and for some it's been a deeply spiritual, mind, body, soul uniting experience! 

Keep it up on making it this far! See you then!

Day 10 : Bouncing awareness

Day 10/21

Today's meditation link: 

Today we break another Meditation myth. It's a common belief that meditation is about concentration. Gurudev, however, says that meditation is deep relaxation. And concentration is a byproduct of deep states of meditation. Experience this deep relaxation in today's meditation.  

Remember to wear loose, comfortable clothes today! Get ready for a small, easy workout that we will guide you into before meditation today. 

Day 9 : Movement to stillness

Day 9/21

Today's meditation link: 

Let's break some meditation myths today! 

It is often believed that for a good meditation experience, one should practise being completely still. This meditation shatters that myth by taking you to stillness through movement.

Day 8 : Fire within

Day 8

Today's meditation link:

While we can choose what we eat, the process of digestion in the body after we eat it is entirely out of our conscious control. Or is it? In this session, Gurudev will gently guide our awareness in a way that makes the digestive process in the body more effective.

Day 7 : Sound to silence

Day 7

Have a happy Monday with today's meditation:

It's okay if you've missed a couple of days. Restart today! 

Sound influences our system in a very profound way. In this meditation, we explore the idea of how sound along with gentle attention can lead you to a state of deep rest.

Day 6 : Scenery to seer

Day 6!

Here's the link:

First of all, a tap on your back for having made it this far! Congratulations! 

The mind and senses are constantly focussed on the external. These sense perceptions keep our mind occupied at all times. Today, Gurudev takes you step by step allowing you to go past all that can be 'seen' towards the pure space of the 'seer'. 

Day 5 : Beyond the body

Day 5!

Here's the link:

Now that you have been meditating for four days, it is time to introduce something new in the practice. In this meditation by Gurudev, you are guided to settle into a larger space around the body, before allowing yourself to sink into total relaxation.

Day 4 : Gift of life

Day 4 - The Gift of Life

Here's today's meditation link: 

Very often, it is the events of the past that don't allow you to go deep within yourself. As a result, you are not able to settle and relax. Today, Gurudev will guide you towards the right attitude with which you are able to find freedom from the past and move ahead.

Day 3 : Eyes meditation

Day 3 !

Today’s Meditation link 

Did you know that the movement of the eyes are closely attached to the movements in the mind: the thoughts, feelings, desires, confusion, chaos etc.?

Join us as Gurudev guides our mind to stillness by touching the emotions hiding behind our eyes.

Day 2 : Art of deep relaxation

It's Day 2! 

The mind and the body are related to each other but not in ways that we think. Today, we'll learn about the mechanics of meditation from Gurudev! 

Remember to relax, and keep a gentle smile on your face when you meditate today.
Here's the meditation link:

Day 1 : Beginner Meditation

Welcome to the 21 Day Meditation Challenge

We're all excited for day 1, and we're really looking forward to having all of you join us for the first meditation today! It's the start of an an incredible journey, and you'll see how easy it is to make meditation a part of our daily lives. It's a gift that keeps on giving :) 

Today we'll start with a beginner-friendly meditation. Remember to save the attached image. That will be our schedule for the next 21 days. 

Remember to:
1) Wear loose, comfortable clothes
2) Find a quiet corner in your house
3) Sit in a comfortable position & rest your back if you need to
4) Close your eyes, relax and let Gurudev guide you into a deep state of relaxation. 

Here's the link: https://youtu.be/v1vRphAv7C4 

Meditation is not concentration

Very good explanation by Osho in this video that meditation is not concentration. It is all inclusive unlike concentration which is an act of mind and can be disturbed by any small thing. 


👍🏼This month, we are giving discount up to 50% or 450₹ whichever is less on your yoga fees for one month if you enroll someone new for our online yoga session. 

It will be applicable after that person paid his fees. You will get discount accordingly on your next fees payment. Do inform us about your reference before that person joining our sessions otherwise later it will not be applicable. For any other clarification or details, Whatsapp/call us. 

Yoga mat

Yoga & meditation mats are available at reasonable prices for our refreshing online yoga sessions. For more details WhatsApp/Call us at:
+91 62832 66268 


Vairagya or Dispassion
What does Dispassion means?

We think dispassion means we don’t want anything. Dispassion means keeping a broader vision in life. Getting a relief from the feverishness is dispassion. 

In life,you need passion and also need dispassion. If its only passion,you will get into depression. Not every passion can  fructify right away. You need patience to pursue your passion. But it can happen only when there is a dispassion also.
If there is no dispassion, you cannot even sleep.To the degree of dispassion, you get that much to get good sleep. Holding on to things in life comes from childhood. You should also learn to leave things. We cannot rest without letting go. We will get disease otherwise. We sleep after hollowing our mind.

When any thought catches our mind, sleep goes away. That means only lack of dispassion. If you have dispassion, you will sleep peacefully. Happiness is obvious on your body along with a smile. Enthusiasm in life is maintained. We don’t call them dispassionate who sits sorrowful. We have taken the meaning of dispassion so wrongly that someone sitting sad is vairagya. But that is not vairagya.

Depression is counter productive to dispassion. Its lack of dispassion that you get into depression. Depression indicates that you have zero dispassion. The sign of dispassion is not dullness. Sign of dispassion is enthusiasm. You are at peace, you are energetic, you are happy. Unfortunately, we have confused dispassion with depression. The so called dispassionate people will look so depressive.

Now for vairagya or dispassion, Adi Shankara says :
 “Kasya sukham na karoti viraga.” 
 What is the happiness that dispassionate cannot bring it to you? This is the question he asked. There is no joy that you cannot get with dispassion.


Be devoid of feverishness. Feverishness is what destroys the knowledge in you. It clouds your awareness, consciousness and joy.

You had an experience and now you want to have that experience repeatedly. That feverishness itself becomes an obstruction. What makes you intolerable in the world is feverishness.  

If you sit for a few minutes with someone who is feverish for something, you begin to feel an aversion. Many times you feel an aversion for people without knowing the reason. It is the feverishness in them that pushes you away, pushes you out. 

When you are devoid of feverishness, all things flow to you without your asking for them. Before the need arises, all is supplied. This is the secret. 'Vijvarō bhava.' If any blessing has to be given, this is the one that has to be given – May you be devoid of feverishness.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Meditation Challenge

21 days Meditation challenge this month, September 2020 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji. Are you ready for forming new healthy lifestyle?! 

Day 1 Meditation for beginners 

Day 2 Deep relaxation meditation

Day 3 Meditation on eyes revelation and solar plexus. 

Day 4: Gift of life, gratitude and  contentment.  

For rest of meditations, you can go through following playlist. 


The way we should eat food for good health :

Early morning, you can take warm water with honey/tulsi leaves in morning instead of tea/coffee. 

Breakfast at around 9 am 
Fruit/salad or coconut/ash gourd/vegetable/fruit juice. Sometime you can have poha/idli. 

Lunch should be heavy around 1 pm. You can have roti/rice (but not both) and dal/vegetable along with curd/lassi. 

Dinner should be light and should be taken before sunset around 7 pm. Avoid curd, fruits in night. And can take warm milk with pinch of turmeric/haldi & black pepper/kali mirch before sleep of at least 8 hours.  

For snacks in between, you can take sprouts or dry fruits like almonds, nuts etc instead of other unhealthy choices. 

Avoid refined oil,sugar, salt, bread.  
Take rock pink salt/sendha namak. 
Take gur/jaggery instead of white sugar which is very harmful for your immunity. 
Avoid junk food like momos,  burger, pizza and cold drinks, tea/coffee.

For more details or any query, you can WhatsApp us at :


How To Get Centered

Shifting the awareness from the experience to the experiencer; since all the experiences are on the circumference and they keep on changing. The experiencer is at the centre. Again and again come back to the experiencer.

⚫If you are frustrated, instead of spending all the time on the experience of frustration, ask Who is frustrated?
⚫Similarly, If you are unhappy, ask Who is unhappy?
⚫If you think you know something, ask Who knows it? 
⚫If you think you are enlightened, ask Who is enlightened? (Laughter)
⚫If you think you are ignorant, ask Who is ignorant?
⚫If you think you are poor me, ask Who is poor me?
⚫If you think you are highly devoted, ask Who is devoted?

Shed all your faces and face the I. Then you have truly come to Me!


Golden rules of meditation

There are three golden mantras to great meditation:

For the 15-20 minutes in the day that you're meditating, remember these three mantras:

1. I want nothing: For the 15-20 minutes of meditation, let go of all desires – including the desire to let go of all desires! After 15-20 minutes, you can have all that you want. 

2. I will do nothing: Do not get entangled with thoughts and emotions that run through you, just observe… as if you are sitting on a park bench and watching the children play.

3. I am nothing: If you think you’re somebody great, a fool, rich, or poor - you can’t meditate. If you think you are somebody great or somebody hopeless, there is no way you can settle down to the deepest core of the being.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji  

Just sit


The mind is constantly in a turmoil within. A chaos – continuous; a storm goes on and on and on. Submerge it, otherwise it won’t allow you to listen to the softer music of life. It won’t allow you to see delicate things of life. It won’t allow you to feel.

How to submerge that turmoil within? What to do? Three things, one: If you see inside, and you feel turmoil there, just sit on the bank – don’t jump into it. The river is moving, you sit on the bank, let it flow. Don’t do anything. Learn the art of doing things by non-doing. Just sit and watch. It is really a great secret. If you can see and watch the turmoil of the mind: it by and by settles by itself. It is just like you come into the house, the dust is stirred up, you sit again, the dust settles. If you start settling the dust, you will unsettle it more. So don’t jump in, and don’t try to submerge the turmoil.

Who will try? And how will you try? You will stir even deeper layers of it. Don’t do anything, just sit. And this sitting is meditation.


Tao: The Three Treasures, Volume 3
Talks on Fragments from Lao: Tzu’s Tao Te Ching.
CHAPTER 5: Beyond honor and disgrace

We are visitors here.

Don't depend on the body and don't remain confined to the body. Use it, respect it, love it, care for it, but remember: you have to leave it one day. It is only a cage, it will be left behind, and the bird will be gone. Before that happens, take care of the bird too. Cleanse your consciousness, because that will be going with you. Your understanding will go with you, not your body.

So don't waste too much time in decorating it with cosmetics, with clothes, with ornaments - don't waste too much time with the body, because the body belongs to the earth and the earth will claim it back. Dust unto dust. You don't belong to the earth, you belong to some beyond, to some unknown. 

Your home is in the unknown, here you are only a visitor. Enjoy the visit and use it as much as possible to grow in understanding and maturity, so that you can take home your maturity, your understanding, your wisdom.