Golden rules of meditation

There are three golden mantras to great meditation:

For the 15-20 minutes in the day that you're meditating, remember these three mantras:

1. I want nothing: For the 15-20 minutes of meditation, let go of all desires – including the desire to let go of all desires! After 15-20 minutes, you can have all that you want. 

2. I will do nothing: Do not get entangled with thoughts and emotions that run through you, just observe… as if you are sitting on a park bench and watching the children play.

3. I am nothing: If you think you’re somebody great, a fool, rich, or poor - you can’t meditate. If you think you are somebody great or somebody hopeless, there is no way you can settle down to the deepest core of the being.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji