Wheel pose

It is also known as Full Wheel Pose, Upward Bow Pose, back bridge and Chakrasana in Sanskrit. 
Targets: Backbend, chest opener
Level: Intermediate

Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) is a backbend that is characterized as a beginner's backbend, but it still requires building up strength and flexibility to achieve it. It opens the chest, shoulders, and hips in a way that counteracts the typical modern-day sitting posture. Backbends are usually done near the end of a yoga practice. After performing Wheel Pose, it is common to do a mild twist or forward bend.

This pose improves spinal mobility and opens the chest. It strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs. Wheel Pose is traditionally said to be energizing and can lift your mood. As it opens your hips, shoulders, and chest it works in opposition to the slouched and sitting postures that are common in modern life.

Safety and Precautions
You should not do Wheel Pose if you have had an injury or chronic problem with your knees, wrists, shoulders, neck, or back. Don't force your body into the pose before it is flexible enough to do so without straining. Bend back only as far as you can naturally. With continued practice, you will gradually build your flexibility to achieve the pose. It is always advisable to not do such poses without proper guidance. 
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