
Blinking is very important for eyes especially during using phone.
Interactive Face


Calorie Counter

Food Calories

Food Item Calories (per 100g)
Roti 297
Masala Dosa 133
Idli 39
Plain Dosa 133
Rava Dosa 132
Apple 52
Pizza 266
Burger 295
Potato Vegetable 77
Ladyfinger Vegetable 33
Eggplant Vegetable 24
Rajma 127
Rice 130
Channa Rice 198
Dal Rice 158
Bread 265
Tea 1
Coffee 2

Activity Calories

Activity Calories Burned (per hour)
Running (6 mph) 590
Swimming (general) 413
Yoga (general) 236
Gym (general) 266
Sleeping 46
Sitting (sedentary) 85
Standing (not moving) 100

Deep Breathing

Box Breathing Timer

BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator

Here you have to enter your weight in kilograms and height in feet and inches to know your BMI. e.g 50 Kg, 5 feet, 4 inches.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to assess whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height. It is commonly used as a screening tool to categorize individuals into different weight categories, including underweight, normal weight, overweight, and obese.

Calorie Counter

Calorie Counter

Food Calories


Fruit Calories (per 100g)
Apple 52
Banana 89
Orange 47
Mango 60


Vegetable Calories (per 100g)
Spinach 23
Carrot 41
Tomato 18
Potato 77

Junk Food

Food Calories (per 100g)
Pizza 266
Burger 295
French Fries 312
Chips 536

Home-cooked Food

Food Calories (per 100g)
Dal (Lentils) 116
Rice 130
Roti (Chapati) 297
Vegetable Curry 100

Physical Activity Calories

Activity Calories Burned (per hour)
Walking (3.5 mph) 314
Cycling (12-14 mph) 590
Running (6 mph) 590
Swimming (general) 413
Yoga (general) 236


Financial Calculator

Financial Calculator

Simple Interest

Compound Interest


Loan Interest

Mutual Fund Returns

Stock Returns

Finance Calculator

Financial Calculator

Financial Calculator


BMI Calculator

BMI Calculator


Simple Calculator

Simple Calculator

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Pregnancy yoga

From Bump to Bliss: Embracing Your Journey with Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga.

Pregnancy and motherhood are transformative journeys filled with joys, challenges, and a whole lot of change. In this whirlwind, it's easy to neglect your own well-being. But fear not, mamas! Pregnancy and postnatal yoga offer a beautiful sanctuary to nurture your body, mind, and spirit throughout this incredible experience. For joining our sessions Whatsapp/Call us at +91 62832 66268 

Blooming with Prenatal Yoga:
Gentle Movement, Big Benefits: Pregnancy yoga adapts traditional poses to accommodate your growing belly and changing center of gravity. Expect gentle stretches, strengthening exercises, and breathwork, all designed to:

Increase flexibility and strength: Prepare your body for childbirth and postpartum recovery.

Reduce common discomforts: Ease backaches, nausea, and fatigue.

Improve sleep quality: Drift off to dreamland more easily.

Boost mood and reduce stress: Navigate emotional fluctuations with grace.

Connect with your baby: Deepen your bond through mindful movement and breath awareness.

Finding Your Flow:
Seek a Certified Instructor: Opt for a yoga teacher specifically trained in yoga. They understand your unique needs and can modify poses for different trimesters and individual limitations.
Listen to Your Body: Every pregnancy is different. Honor your limits and don't hesitate to pause or modify poses as needed. 
Embrace Community: Join a prenatal yoga class to connect with other expectant mothers, share experiences, and build a support network.

Blossoming After Birth: Postnatal Yoga
Nurturing Recovery: Postnatal yoga gently guides your body back to strength and flexibility after childbirth. Focus areas include:

Rebuilding core strength: Restore diastasis recti and improve pelvic floor health.

Easing postpartum discomforts: Address aches, pains, and breastfeeding challenges.

Rekindling your energy: Combat fatigue and regain your pre-pregnancy zest.
Managing emotional shifts Navigate the "baby blues" and find emotional balance.

Creating mommy-and-me moments: Bond with your little one through playful yoga poses and songs.

Remember, Mama:
Start Slowly: Wait at least 3 weeks postpartum before starting yoga, and always consult your doctor first.

Be Kind to Yourself: Recovery takes time. Be patient, listen to your body, and celebrate every milestone.

Find Joy in the Journey: Pregnancy and motherhood are precious times. Use yoga as a tool to nurture yourself, connect with your baby, and embrace the magic of this extraordinary chapter.

So, mamas, take a deep breath, roll out your mat, and step onto the path of prenatal and postnatal yoga. It's an investment in your well-being, a source of strength, and a reminder that you are worthy of care and compassion throughout this incredible journey. Namaste!

Remember, the most important pose is the one that feels good for you and your baby.

For joining our sessions Whatsapp/Call us at +91 62832 66268